Turkiye Scholarship applications 2015!

Hey guys,

I've just read the news, that 2015 applications start in February 2015. This year application will start in February for UNDERGRADUATE, Master and PhD scholarships. In previous years applications started in March (for MA and PhD) and in April (for Undergrad.), so this year, pay attention, because application starts earlier.

This is the text written on the Facebook page of Turkiye burslari:
''Applications for 2015 Türkiye Scholarships Start.
Applications for Türkiye Scholarships undergraduate, master and PhD programmes will start in February 2015.
Deadline will be announced later on our website. Application term usually last approximately 30 days.
http://www.facebook.com/turkiyeburslari ''

Good luck to all applicants!
Here you can read my previous posts about Turkiye Burslari/Scholarship. They might be helpful when you are applying for scholarship.

 Here are the links to my previous posts:
Study in Turkey  is about different types of Scholarship and application process.
Study in Turkey #2 is about the interwiev, the documents you need for application and moving to Turkey
Study in Turkey #3 is a shor guide how to get a student residence permit in Turkey.

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