Istanbul leta 1967 * Istanbul in 1967

Istanbul se je v petdesetih letih zelo spremenil, pa vendar, nekatere stvari so ostale enake. Ribičev ob Bosporju in Zlatem rogu je še vedno veliko, prav tako si še vedno lahko privoščite okusen ribji sendvič (balik ekmek). Številni delavci in prodajalci še vedno prenašajo tovor na hrbtu. Na ulicah so še vedno številni ulični prodajalci, veliko več pa je prometa. Na žalost je veliko manj je zelenih površin, še posebej ob Bosporju.

In the last 50 years Istanbul ha changed a lot, however some things remained as they were back in 1967. There are still many fishermen along the Bosphorus strait, Golden Horn and especially on the Galata bridge. So called balik ekmek, or fish burger is still being sold in Eminönü and other parts of Istanbul. We can still see workers and sellers carrying load on their back. On the streets, there are still many street sellers, but there is much more traffic. Unfortunately most of green areas dissappeared, especially along the Bosphorus strait.

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